Build V.2

Danger Zone


  • Player can take damage over time.
  • Player’s movement can be disabled.
  • Player's movement can be decreased.
  • Player's health can be regenerated.

Gym Level

  • Added some example challenges.
  • Added regeneration spots to heal.
  • Added 3 different zones to go through.

Bug Fixes

  • Decrease movement speed works properly.

Known Issues

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  • The character now turns red when the dash is on cooldown
  • Camera lag now functions properly
  • The character now behaves a lot floatier
  • Adjusted the camera so the character isn’t as far in the corner

Gym Level

  • Added challenge examples to Gym Level
  • Added teleports to teleport to said challenge examples
  • Added overlay to show teleports
  • Added character metrics

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the dash direction would be reversed if the player dashed while in the air.
  • The measurement material doesn’t load and stays black
  • There might still be a bug with the dash not recharging properly, but I have not been able to find a way to reproduce it and thus not been able to solve it. On the other hand I haven’t encountered it in a while so it might be gone, but I didn’t change anything that could’ve solved it.

Known Issues

  • The measurement material doesn’t load and stays black
  • There might still be a bug with the dash not recharging properly, but I have not been able to find a way to reproduce it and thus not been able to solve it. On the other hand I haven’t encountered it in a while so it might be gone, but I didn’t change anything that could’ve solved it.

Files 543 MB
Version 2 Dec 17, 2020

Get 20/21 Y1B - Team 10 - Lazy Lily


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  • Your trend of good presentation continues.
  • Use character inheritance to make sharing functionality easier. If you have a base character that the others are children of, then apply functionality in the base character and do alterations to variables in the children. That way Hoikei would have access to Dash functionality (plus whatever variables Davy exposes)
  • In general this is good progress, but some more consideration of how things will be used in gameplay and definitely some iterations on your camera would be recommended.

Dash Level

  • Character feel is nice, but very loose. Jump could be a tad snappier in its launching, perhaps? Hard to say.
  • (partly as a result of this) Camera needs a lot of consideration. A character this loose needs space around them. Think about the "window of opportunity": the time/space between objects coming into view and objects reaching the character
  • The googly eyes are a nice touch, but they send a distinct "tone" to the game. Make sure this is aligned with the rest of the team
  • Dash recharge indication works well. Totally derivative of Celeste but it works.
  • Really like the exploration of challenges (I think you really understand the process here!), but this should be broken down/labelled more specifically. This would help with defining archetypal challenges and finding variations within them, i.e.:
    • Short Gap Jump
    • Long Gap Jump
    • Jump + Dash Gap
    • Dash through large hole
    • Dash through small hole
    • Dash at peak of jump
    • Dash after/before peak of jump
  • There should be a ton of metrics coming forward from all these ideas
  • Make sure you're also producing quick sketches around these archetypes to record in the LD guide!

Zones Level:

  • Health loss needs more direct feedback. Players can use the a health bar to check how much health they have remaining, but check the distance between your tiny character and that health bar! It's easy to miss that you're being damaged.
  • Consider gameplay ramifications of the Health Regeneration zone. Don't require the player to stand still doing and thinking nothing. The player can have moments without movement as long as they're thoughtful, attentive moments with things to keep them focused.
  • The petals are a nice touch on the character, but they don't feel floaty at all in their movement. Feels nicer in walking/jumping than Davy's character.