A downloadable game for Windows

Creative Direction

A weighty sphere with a dash and wall-jump ability, that has to get through ranged attack hazards (guns that shoot) in order to get to the end of the level.

This game is in production so don't expect a finished or polished game. Some assets are going to be added in the coming weeks. And levels are going to be made.




  • Radu's Playable level (+ overall improvements on challenges based on feedback)
  • Tycho's Playable level
  • Mihail's Playable level
  • Katelin's Playable level
  • Mihail's level - Improvements based on received feedback

Would like to get feedback on:

  • Playable levels
  • Difficulty of everyone's challenges
  • The pacing of the levels
  • Do you feel you have control over the character? (player agency)

Wanted to deliver, but didn't:

  • More audio feedback

Outstanding problems / bugs:

  •  (A) Main Menu: Sometimes, when coming back from a level to the menu, a black overlay is displayed on the entire screen. The buttons are still there and are clickable, so technically they can be clicked, bringing up a functional menu.
  • Dash visual feedback - The glow effect is a bit off/delayed and may lead to inconsistencies with the dash feature, although it is purely visual.

What we want to achieve next week:

  • [Level Design] Iteration upon all playable levels


2021-y1b-team-8-win.zip 151 MB
Version 16 Apr 30, 2021

Install instructions

Click on the Download button

Unarchive the game files into a folder

Double-click on GearsOfLove.exe

✨You're done, have fun!✨