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I played the game for over half an hour just now.
I had about 1 million score and then no worms spawned anymore.
Making me not be able to continue the game which was very sad.


Hey thanks for playing! We are sorry you encountered this issue, we believe we have found and fixed the issue and will be pushing this fix ASAP. Hopefully you can get back on the leaderboard with an even higher score if you choose to play again!


Awesome game. Could use a bit more feedback as to what is not working like you're out of heat or something like, by having some elements on the UI react, or some sound as well. But overall, super fun idea and execution!

Thank you so much for your kind words and for playing our game! We will keep your suggestions in mind for upcoming updates!


This game is sick! Also, I'd like to be on the leaderboard please :))

Thank you for playing the game! Online Leaderboard is added in the newest version of the game. Let us know what you think about it!


Cool looking little game, decent graphics and good soundtrack. Was fun playing it. I ran into a bug tho, something connected to aim assist I think, while placing it on 0 position camera soemtimes performs random moves

(1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback and kind words about our game! We appreciate you bringing the aim assist bug to our attention. It should be fixed in the newest patch!

(1 edit) (+2)

I had a lot of fun playing the game the soundtrack is amazing and the gameplay is smooth, the mechanics are extremely good I liked the grappling the most i found that you can grapple on any enemys even flying ones. i used the gun for taking out smaller enemys but for the bosses i found grappeling and slicing to work very well. The graphics also look amazing An extremely good game.


i found a glitch like you can grapple out via the tree and it would be cool if there were upgrades or special abilities



i had a fun time playing the game it was fast and fun but if you are playing the game whitout a mouse it is hard but it gives a challenge. i had a mouse it is fine. When you load in to the game the screen to select what you want to do like credit an dplay it is not loadinng good the image or it is my computer idk. But can you make the totorial a littel longer or give more clues like add a trainer to help the new players. and the gun you get is useless it does 0 hp to the worm and you only use the sword. but the game it self is good the game if fast and my bad computer can hundel it. and i like new games that you can play for free all the new games you need to buy but this good

4/5 stars



hi, glad you liked it ;)


I had a good time. I did want to see more variety in boss types because now it is just hit boss if my hp is low hit the minions. but for now, focus on more zones, more boss types, and more ways to get your HP back than just small enemys. but good stuff


Thank you so much for playing our game! Unfortunately due to scope reasons we cannot provide any additional bosses within the near future, however if the team decides to keep working on Freezing Friction after our project deadline we just might look at developing more bosses and enemy types :)


This game is fire. its fun to play and how farder you come in the game is it harder and i like that, but i had few struggles i died serveral times on the beginning maybe can you make that on the beginning the worms easier to kill and later in the game harder. and maybe is it fun if youmake a multiplayer mode than can you play with your friends, because we played both solo and we both thought whether it would be more fun to do this together

Thank you for playing our game, we are very happy that you enjoyed it! While multiplayer is currently out of our scope, we added an Online Leaderboard to add an element of competition to the game. We worked hard on improving the game and have recently released a new version with several balance changes, enhancements and new features. We hope you will check it out and let us know what you think!


The dominant strategy (for me) was grappling and slicing everything up with the sword. I felt like there wasn't much use for the gun because of this? 

Other than that, 3C's remind me quite a bit of Armored Core. Good stuff :)

Thank you for playing! One of our references for the 3C's is Armored Core, so this is great to hear! We buffed the gun a bit with the addition of the overheat system, allowing you to shoot for much longer! We also added an online leader board, so if you would like to give the game another shot and try to get a high score you are more than welcome to!