Squashing Bugs

We have fixed some more (gamebreaking) bugs in our game. We wanted to inform you, what we have fixed and what issue are currently being worked on. 



  • When the player dies, the player no longer respawns with a rotated camera. 
  • You can no longer talk to Shelldon (Sorry!!). We only intented the player to be able to talk to the Blacksmith. Speaking to Shelldon before the patch, locked the player in a Dialogue with the Blacksmith, which you could not end.



  • Controller input on the Main Menu, is not always highlighted. You can move to other buttons, but there is no visualization of which button is currently highlighted. 
  • When pressing Continue or New Game and waiting for the Intro Animation to finish, you can sometimes not interact with the Blacksmith for Dialogue. [CURRENT WORKAROUND] Pause the game once, and press Continue. You can now talk to the Blacksmith. This does result in the above stated issues to appear on all UI.


Marisol 1 GB
Version 4 11 days ago

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