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I really liked the idea of a cooperative Pac-Man and got really excited when you presented it in the Level Design Guild.

I played the game together with my brother and we weren't quite able to wrap our head around our different abilities when they were presented to us in the starting screen and even less so during the actual game.

I personally wasn't a big fan of only being able to change your path when you are at a crossroads, even if the original Pac-Man follows this rule... it's a bit better for a top - down experience when you have a full view of the map.

In game, I also wasn't sure if which orbs I was able to collect and which ones I wasn't. My brother and I never interacted throughout the 10 minutes we played the game.

Neat concept overall, but just missing a little bit of feedback and readability.

Good job! ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘