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Very cool narrative concept of having the player be stuck in a limbo between life and death state.

The art looks gorgeous and there are memorable moments such as the final bossfight (which was just a tad bit too tricky for me). 

I like the gliding mechanic, but my biggest gripe is that I am often unsure of where to go due to a lack of breadcrumbing. I enjoyed the linear passages the most actually (when I was soaring through the tunnel) as I clearly knew my objective! 

Perhaps having narrowed the player in more with possibilities of where to go would have helped!

Overall, good job to everyone! ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘

Thank you for your feedback! Although we've stopped working on the game, your input is still valuable to us! ๐Ÿ˜Š

(1 edit) (-2)

It's looking great! But after messing around for 10 min or so, I got sick of not making the jump. Now that I am on the itch page I see that there is a gliding option? But I (pc player) have no clue how to use it.

Hello! so sorry for the inconvenience, this game is made to be played on controller, but if you don't have access to one I could tell you the controls here:

E is for gliding

While gliding you can press a couple of buttons to enhance the gliding experience, like:

W - for diving forward

S - for pulling upward

CTRL + W - for diving down faster

Q - for slowing down time

Thank you for the comment and I hope you give Bardo another try!

It was kinda fun, especially considering its short runtime, here are some things i think could be improved upon tho

1. Adding a transition at the start of the game, instead of it just dropping you right in when the cutscene ends
2. Polishing up the fighting mechanics, make it feel more natural

3. PLS dont teleport me at the end if the final boss kills me

4. Add some sound, could be just me but the only sound i heard is the roar of the final boss

5. Putting all graphics settings at ultra by default is overkill

aside from that its pretty chill

Thank you so much for your feedback! <3
Our team strives to improve upon several of these aspects in the upcoming week of production.
We invite you to give Bardo another try once we release the final build! 

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Looking very good!

This one looks pretty good! Gonna test it

Tried to play it, but its only 13 fps, really hard to do something in game! 

Thank you for the feedback! our team is working really hard to fix these performance issues. hope it will be fixed by next week!

The issue should be fixed, we accidentally enabled cloth simulation on the pants causing severe performance issues.
We'll upload an "official" release for playtesting tonight at 10 so keep an eye out for that