A downloadable game for Windows

Escape the lands in between

Bardo is an action-adventure game taking place in the realm between life and death. Explore the fantastical, shattered world of your own mind by gliding though the sky to reach floating islands and faraway vistas. Overcome your inner demons as they threaten to prevent your ascent back to the world of the living.

The Game

Bardo aims to awe the player with its stunning, dream-like environments. The player is given the freedom to glide anytime and anywhere they wish, defeating enemies and restoring the environment with essence from your IV-bag, channeled through your magical blade.

About Us

We are team Sky Bisons, a group of 22 students from Breda University of Applied Sciences. Bardo started out as an art concept that was made into a game in 8 weeks. All content and assets in the game were designed and developed by our current team or its former members.




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Bardo Playtest V1 1.1 GB
Version 1 2 days ago
bardo-win.zip 1.2 GB
Version 23 13 hours ago

Install instructions

What do the different files do?

Bardo Playtest V1 is our stable build and the build we use for our playtests, If you've played this build please give us some feedback through this form: https://forms.gle/zFFDbNYAgFG7AVnD7

Bardo-win.zip is our unstable build which gets updated weekly or whenever we need to test our builds.

Development log


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Looking very good!

This one looks pretty good! Gonna test it

Tried to play it, but its only 13 fps, really hard to do something in game! 

Thank you for the feedback! our team is working really hard to fix these performance issues. hope it will be fixed by next week!

The issue should be fixed, we accidentally enabled cloth simulation on the pants causing severe performance issues.
We'll upload an "official" release for playtesting tonight at 10 so keep an eye out for that