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Camera movement in intro is similar to how I made powerpoint presentations in grade 5. Aside from that the visuals are stunning.

The camera controls are absolutely delicious, even thought this is the most visually stunning game it is also the most fluent game. You cured my migraines with this.

Omnidirectional movement animations, noice.

Jumping animations are a bit goofy but I can't imagine doing better.

The lightning does the outside area perfect justice, there is a nice highlight on it too so you can't miss this beautiful outside view.

But oops! Light is coming from inside the bookcases instead of the lamps hanging on either side of them.

I hate the clipping on the bridge, there are railings clipping into bookcases too. Through the books.

Floating candle, sure.. Very lonely one at that.

Could've made a falling animation down the bookcases specifically for that section, then ended the game there, would've already been perfect.

Table is glitchy to jump on but the newspaper is a nice touch.

I figured it out so it might not matter but "explore the library" should be called "collect statues"

Woah, no invisible wall I can jump outside and respawn, WITH an animation? IGN GOTY.

Whoops, didn't learn how to crouch, no button prompts either for onboarding, guess I'll just end the playing here at this bookcase.

Just a casual painting flying clipping through the floor

After the rabbit parkour, there is a perfect place for more lore on a desk, but there isn't. Will look into this.

"Why are they following me, I did nothing wrong" relatable af.

Nobody is chasing you boy. There is no gameplay here, this is a walking sim, good job tho

I guessed that I could hang from the vines with absolutely no onboarding and I could. Go me!

YOU HAVE A SLIDING ANIMATION OMG Reuse it for the earlier part

When you make a short game like this, please stop being so vague and spiritual about your story. Think kindergarten book.

Crouch button is let go of ledge? Oh please.

The water section was really vague but I figured it out.

Talk to your mother? Is this some kind of reflection on someone's life story in the team? It feels really personal

(1 edit)

Thanks for the detailed review with an immaculate humorous touch. It was such a lovely read, I will recommend it to all my teammates. Can't wait for more of your comments :)


This game has such an amazing atmosphere and theme surrounding it! 

The idea of having to overcome your fears throughout the game is a fantastic premise and I couldn't wait to see it unfold...

Unfortunately, I had a lot of trouble straight off with the very first maze of the game. 

Perhaps it's just because I am terrible when it comes to spatial awareness, but I also wasn't fully intrigued by the design and didn't really feel like there were any interesting spots or landmarks that stood out to me and gave me a "sign" where to go.

Also, the decision to have the player running only while they are holding down the left joystick is really strange and felt very awkward to me.

I would have loved to see a larger part of your game, because of the aforementioned atmosphere and narrative concept, but the maze part kind of had me stumped.


I pet the cute fish successfully! Great game!


+1 Compassion


Looks like a lot of fun! Bookmarked to try later :))


Thank you for your comment! We can't wait for your review once you try it out :)