Fungus Funk 0.6 Build

Hello there Team Funky Funkheads here again with an update to our game!

The development is nearing it's end and we are very excited to show you some new changes. We managed to squeeze as much as we can with the limited time we had and improve the performance of the game substantially. We also added improved visual and audio feedback for better experience and managed to fix some bugs that were very un-funk.

Anyway here is the list of our changes.

What is added:
Visuals for the Menus.
Animations for the last character.
Adding visual assets to the levels.
Added visual and sound effects.

Issues we got fixed!
Not every enemy needs to be killed to get the winning screen.
The Health Bar scaling repositions the bar.
Incorrect spawn location when mini game ends.
Enemies could sometimes use the elevators and breaks the AI.
Improved game performance.
AI has improved functionality

Known Issues:
When you go back to the main menu and start the game again, the enemies are passive, the AI is deactivated.
You can't pause or go back to the main menu in the Showcase Level.
Tier 700 enemies cause the health bar to bug out outside the view.
Transition only works once per elevator object.
No pause menu in VA showcase.
Angel UI in Showcase unfinished, Mike and Kevin's needs textures.
Holding the A button on the Onboarding Elevator causes you to load into the game.
When health drain kills you during mini-game you will die.
Camera position in death screen is random.


Fungus Funk v0.6 512 MB
Jun 23, 2022

Get Fungus Funk - Team 06 - 21/22 Y1D

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