V 1.1 Update Notes

Canon Repair: Canons are now repaired after a single hit.

Hammer Charge Feedback: Added visual feedback mechanism for hammer charging.
Ship Collision: When the ship collides with walls, it will gently be set back on the correct path instead of clipping through them.
Enemy Distribution: Enemies are now more spread out allowing the players a better chance at defeating them.
Sound Adjustments: Various sounds have been adjusted for better gameplay experience.
Canon Range: Canons now shoot further than before.
Enemy Hitbox: Enemy hitboxes have been increased in size.


Made Environment darker 
Increased texture resolution of cliffs 
Added more variation to cliff material by layering another texture on top of it 
Decreased the amount of fog 
Adjusted FOV of XR Camera 
Added extra point lights for the characters to make textures more visible 
Add Repair and charge VFX / UI 


river-tale-win.zip 2.2 GB
Version 3 17 days ago
instructions.zip 188 kB
17 days ago

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