V 1.3 Update Notes

Patch notes #5: River Tale.

General adjustments

  • Added UI for death screen. 
  • Fix a mistake in the Victory UI. 

Real life props (Controller)

Some of our props did not give enough feedback and confused the players. We tried to make this more user friendly and made some adjustments.

  • Display
    • Shows better and more feedback for the players to work with.
  • Cannon
    • The right cannon is now more firmly attached to the wood holding it.
  • Anchor
    • Decreased time required to lift the anchor from 5 seconds > 3 seconds.

Ship (Player)

We noticed that some things were not very clear for the player in game about the ship and tried to improve this a bit by tweaking values in engine to create a nicer experience for the players. 

  • Cannonballs

    • Now have an outliner that makes it easier to trace for the players. This allows them to hit things easier and track their shots.
    • Now collide with the environment and explode when they hit it.
  • Anchor Chain
    • The VFX are now taxing less on the performance of the game because of a new texture.
  • Auto steering
    • Is less powerful and now slightly corrects the player instead of creating a unstoppable loop.

Ranged enemy 

The ranged enemy had some collision issues that made it weird to interact with. The projectiles were also not completely functioning in the build so we had to make some changes to its overall gameplay.

  • Range
    • Increased attack range from 5000 > 7000.
  • Projectiles 
    • Disappear after 5 > 10 seconds now.
    • Now has light surrounding it to show it better to the player.
    • Fixed a bug where the projectile didn't damage the ship..
  • Collision settings
    • You can not sail in the boss anymore, collision is now disabled.
    • Disabled collision when the enemy is dying and playing that animation.
  • Animation
    • Now plays a better animation for the ranged attack that makes the skull disappear in time.

Nyx (Boss enemy)

The boss was severely overtuned is what we found out in our last tests so we tweaked her a lot to ensure a better experience while playing.    To make the boss easier to phase we did the following things.

  • Summon speed is lower
    • The boss does not summon every 0.5-1.5 seconds but every 1-3 seconds.
  • Collision settings
    • You can not sail in the boss anymore, collision is now disabled.
  • Rock throw attack
    • The range is now decreased for this attack 9000 > 7000 units.
    • VFX are added when this hits the water.
  • Hurt animation
    • Animations now play when the boss is being hit and allow the player to have a better understanding of when the boss is hit.
  • Animations
    • Boss has newly added attack animation
    • Boss has newly added death animation.
  • Facial expressions
    • Boss now makes expressions with her face based on what she is doing.
  • Texture
    • Boss now changes her looks when you get enter the boss arena. This allows a more spooky effect.


We changed some of the environmental spaces to create a better and more scary experience.

  • Lighting.
    • Boss room
  • Set dressing.
    • The scene is more alive with extra props and foliage.
  • Shipwrecks
    • Explode faster.
    • Now are adjusted to tax less from the game's performance.


river-tale-win.zip 2.2 GB
Version 6 Jun 26, 2024

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